Raspberry Pi
Please follow the steps to build your coin operated wifi hotspot using Raspberry Pi 3 or 4:
Please use a fast read/write high quality SD card (Class 10).
Softwares to Download:
Install Etcher into your PC and unzip adopisoft image zip.
Insert the micro SD card into the your PC using a card reader.
Open Etcher and click Select Image.
Then select AdoPiSoft Image (adopisoft-(version).img).
Make sure to select your micro SD card
Click the Flash button and wait for the process to finish.
After a successful Flash, insert the SD Card into your Raspberry Pi.
NOTE: If you encounter prompts about formatting your sd card, just click Cancel.
IMPORTANT: It doesn't matter what software version is in the image. You can always go to admin System→Device page and Check Updates and install the latest software version available.
Supported Raspberry pi models:
Click on the image to view full size.
For Newifi VLAN Config, follow this guide: Newifi D2 VLAN For AdoPiSoft
Note: You can use your preferred Access Point Brand. Newifi D2 used in the diagram is just an example. For a Non-VLAN capable Access Point, you need a USB-to-LAN adapter for your captive portal network.
Access your machine's WAN IP. You can get your machine IP from the modem's admin dashboard.
IMPORTANT: This is for troubleshooting purpose only. Always disable SSH in System->Services->SSH Service for normal operation.
username: root
password: asdf@12345
or try this if the above will not work
username: pi
password: raspberry