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System Status

Contains details about CPU, RAM, storage, network interfaces and network traffic.


Contains announcements fetched from our server. Contents of this page can also be viewed at website home page.

WiFi Users

WiFi Users List

In wifi users list, you can view the devices connected to wifi which includes the hostname, mac address, ip address and status of individual device.

For each device, you have the options to view sessions, edit and block or unblock the device.

WiFi User Sessions

You can view the sessions for each individual device.

You can add/edit/remove individual sessions. Please see Session Types for more information about session types.

Edit Device

Edit device details like hostname, mac address and ip address.


Session Types

There are 3 main types of sessions in our system available in captive portal:

1. Time Session

This is the traditional session with remaining time in seconds. But unlike before, each transaction has separate time. They are not combined to previous session. The session becomes invalid once the user has consumed the allocated time.

2. Data Session

This session is based on data consumption of the user. The session becomes invalid once the user consumed the allocated data in megabytes (MB).

3. Time or Data Session

Whichever is consumed first, time or data. The session will become invalid once either of time or data is consumed by the user.

The user can have multiple sessions, including the subscription session. Once the previous session is consumed, it will automatically activate the next available session. If the user has no more sessions available, the user is automatically disconnected from the internet.

Subscription Session

The other type of session is Subscription. Subscription session does not have allocated time or data. Instead, it will only track the data consumption of the device and how long the session has been running. Subscription session can only be generated manually in the dashboard for the intended device or through voucher. It can be used to allow only specific hosts to connect outside the network - e.g. smart TV’s, CCTV/IP Cameras, etc. aside from walled-garden based on TCP/IP port numbers. It can also be used to accommodate a whole household using a voucher with subscription type session.

Each session is editable and has the following options:

  • Download/Upload Bandwidth Limit
  • Allow/Disable Pause
  • Expiration Date/Time
  • Change Session Type (options: time, data, time or data, subscription)
  • Add/Subtract remaining time or data
  • Delete session

The default bandwidth of a session is taken from captive portal bandwidth settings. The default session expiration is taken from session settings in the admin dashboard. The expiration date/time can be disabled.

admin_configurations.txt · Last modified: 2024/02/04 01:17 (external edit)