Table of Contents

Orange Pi


Please follow the steps to build your coin operated wifi hotspot using Orange Pi One or PC:

1. Flash AdoPiSoft Image

Please use a fast read/write high quality SD card (Class 10).

Softwares to Download:

  1. Download Etcher (an image flashing tool)
  2. Download the appropriate AdoPiSoft Image for your board.

Install Etcher into your PC and unzip adopisoft image.

Insert the micro SD card into the your PC using a card reader.

Open Etcher and click Select Image.

Then select AdoPiSoft Image (adopisoft-(version).img).

Make sure to select your micro SD card

Click the Flash button and wait for the process to finish. After a successful Flash, insert the SD Card to your Raspberry Pi.

NOTE: If you encounter prompts about formatting your sd card, just click Cancel.

IMPORTANT: It doesn't matter what software version is in the image. You can always go to admin SystemDevice page and Check Updates and install the latest software version available.

To change software from Lite to Regular or vice versa, you don't need to reflash. Please follow the following:

2. Wiring Diagram

Supported Orange Pi Models:

Click on the image to view full size.

For Newifi VLAN Config, follow this guide: Newifi D2 VLAN For AdoPiSoft

Note: You can use your preferred Access Point Brand. Newifi D2 used in the diagram is just an example. For a Non-VLAN capable Access Point, you need a USB-to-LAN adapter for your captive portal network.

3. Payment Portal Settings

Access your machine's WAN IP. You can get your machine IP from the modem's admin dashboard.

4. Network Interface Settings

Regular Version

Click the image to view full size

LITE Version

Click the image to view full size

SSH Credentials

IMPORTANT: This is for troubleshooting purpose only. Always disable SSH in System->Services->SSH Service for normal operation.

username: root

password: asdf@12345

or try this if the above will not work

username: root

password: root