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ESP8266 Configuration Guide

Before doing this, make sure that your ESP8266 has been flashed. Please refer to Flashing Guide For Wireless Coinslot on how to flash your ESP8266.

2 ways to config:

Using Android App Serial USB Terminal

Install Serial USB Terminal

Connect your ESP8266 board to Android via OTG. Make sure you enable the OTG in the android settings.

Open Serial USB Terminal App.

Go to App's SettingsSerial and set Baud Rate to 115200.

Go to App's SettingsTerminal and uncheck Show timestamps.

Go to App's SettingsSend and set Newline to LF.

Tap the plug icon at the top to connect to device. Wait at least 5 seconds before executing commands.

Send command “env” to show the current environment config.

Send command “ssid=<SSID>” to set the WIFI SSID you want your ESP8266 to connect to.

Send command “token=YOUR_TOKEN” to set the encryption token. This should match with your token set in admin.

Send command “api_host=” to set the api host. This should be your LAN interface IP.

Send command “alias=PAYMENT_PORTAL_ALIAS” to set the Payment Portal alias.

Send command “help” to show all the available commands.

Using Putty

Install PUTTY

Connect your ESP8266 to PC via USB and determine COM PORT.

Open Putty. Click “Terminal” in the left sidebar.

Check “Implicit LF in every CR”.

Set Local Echo to Force ON.

Click Session in the sidebar to go back to main window.

Check Serial.

Set Serial Line to proper COMP PORT.

Set Speed to 115200.

Click Open.

To submit Command, type in the command and press ctrl + j (Don't press enter).

Refer to Using Android App Serial USB Terminal for the list of supported commands.

esp8266_configuration_guide.txt · Last modified: 2024/02/04 01:17 (external edit)