**Raspberry Pi** ====== Installation ====== Please follow the steps to build your coin operated wifi hotspot using Raspberry Pi 3 or 4: - **[[raspberrypi#1._flash_adopisoft_image| Flash AdoPisoft Image to SD Card]]** - **[[raspberrypi# 2._wiring_diagram| Wiring Diagram]]** - **[[raspberrypi# 3._payment_portal_settings| Payment Portal Settings]]** - **[[raspberrypi# 4._network_interface_settings| Network Interface Settings]]** - **[[admin_configurations| Other Admin Settings]]** ===== 1. Flash AdoPiSoft Image ===== Please use a fast read/write high quality SD card (Class 10). Softwares to Download: - Download [[ https://etcher.io/ | Etcher]] (an image flashing tool) - Download [[https://www.adopisoft.com/download_options?board=rpi | AdoPiSoft Image]] (Select your preferred version) Install **Etcher** into your PC and unzip **adopisoft image zip**. Insert the micro SD card into the your PC using a card reader. Open **Etcher** and click **Select Image**. {{ :4.0.0-beta.1:etcher-select-image.jpg?600&nolink |}} Then select AdoPiSoft Image (**adopisoft-(version).img**). Make sure to select your micro SD card {{ :4.0.0-beta.1:select-usb-drive.png?600&nolink |}} Click the **Flash** button and wait for the process to finish. After a successful **Flash**, insert the SD Card into your Raspberry Pi. **NOTE:** If you encounter prompts about formatting your sd card, just click **Cancel**. **IMPORTANT:** It doesn't matter what software version is in the image. You can always go to admin **System**->**Device** page and **Check Updates** and install the latest software version available. ==== To change software from Lite to Regular or vice versa, you don't need to reflash. Please follow the following: ==== * Revoke your license * Go to https://github.com/AdoPiSoft/Releases/releases * Choose the latest version and get the debian url in the **Assets** section. * Choose adopisoft-x.x.x-**armhf**-node-vx.x.x.deb * Then navigate to admin **System**->**Device** page and in the **Remote Debian File** field, paste the full url (example: https:/ /github.com/AdoPiSoft/Releases/releases/download/x.x.x/adopisoft-x.x.x-armhf-node-vxx.x.x.deb) * Click Install Remote Debian File. Wait for the download to finish and reboot when prompted. * After reboot, activate your new License ===== 2. Wiring Diagram ===== Supported Raspberry pi models: * Raspberry Pi 3 & 3B * Raspberry Pi 4 {{:ado-rpi-diagram.png?direct|}} Click on the image to view full size. For Newifi VLAN Config, follow this guide: [[newifi_vlan_config| Newifi D2 VLAN For AdoPiSoft ]] **Note:** You can use your preferred Access Point Brand. Newifi D2 used in the diagram is just an example. For a Non-VLAN capable Access Point, you need a USB-to-LAN adapter for your captive portal network. ===== 3. Payment Portal Settings ===== Access your machine's WAN IP. You can get your machine IP from the modem's admin dashboard. {{:screen_shot_2020-11-27_at_11.35.57_pm.png?nolink|}} ===== 4. Network Interface Settings ===== **Regular Version** //Click the image to view full size// {{:screen_shot_2020-11-29_at_5.48.18_pm.png?direct|}} ** LITE Version ** //Click the image to view full size// {{:screen_shot_2020-11-28_at_6.51.28_pm.png?direct&350|}} ---- ==== SSH Credentials ==== **IMPORTANT:** This is for troubleshooting purpose only. Always disable **SSH** in **[[!/system/services | System->Services->SSH Service]]** for normal operation. username: root password: asdf@12345 //or try this if the above will not work// username: pi password: raspberry